2024/2025 Season now OPEN



Senior, Junior and Day memberships available



Special membership prices for families


Memberships are valid for the current season only and all expire on the 30th of June, no matter what date you paid on. A reminder will be sent when new season subs are due.


Latest Information

Newsletters, a yearly Raglan Sport Fishing calendar and sticker, as well as ongoing emails to keep you informed of the latest club news and fishing hot spots

Gallery Prize Competition

Put your photos forward for our newsletter photo competition for great prizes

NZSFC Affiliation

Membership fee includes affiliation to the NZSFC (New Zealand Sport Fishing Council) and entitles you to courtesy weighs and entry to other affiliated NZ sport fishing clubs

Facebook Access

Access to view the clubs “Facebook” page for members wanting fishing information or crew, etc

Digital Membership cards & APP

Download the Raglan Sport Fishing club from the App store and complete the Membership card.

Golden Snapper Draw

The Golden Snapper lucky draw with $2000.00 cash drawn at the annual prize giving. Snapper must be over 4.5 kg and caught out of Raglan

Woolly Lambs Billfish Draw

Three Woolly Lambs draw for all Billfish T & R or weighed over 90 kg caught out of Raglan. $2000 cash prize, also drawn at the AGM